Silver Strength & Stamina
Silver Strength & Stamina Classes in Whittier, CA
Have you been looking for a no-impact strength and stamina exercise class in Whittier? The Y’s Silver Strength & Stamina class is just what you need!
At the YMCA, we believe that exercise classes should be readily available to everyone, regardless of age or ability level. Our Silver Sneakers Fitness Program was founded to help our senior members stay in shape with classes tailored to them. By participating in our Silver Strength & Stamina class, you’ll be able to get a great workout, no matter your age or fitness level.
Build Up Your Strength & Stamina at the Y
The YMCA of Greater Whittier offers our Silver Strength & Stamina classes to all members, including older adults who may not enjoy the rigors of more intensive workout classes. In this class, you’ll work your way through intervals of both seated and standing no-impact exercises, including lifting weights and aerobics.
Taking our Silver Strength & Stamina class can have many great effects on your life and your body, such as:
- You’ll be able to tone your muscles without worrying about injury.
- Your range of movement will be increased through no-impact exercises.
- Participating in Silver Strength & Stamina will help you to stay active and healthy on a daily basis.
- You’ll have lots of fun meeting, socializing, and working out with your fellow members.
There’s an exercise class that’s just right for you, no matter your age or your fitness experience. Contact the YMCA of Greater Whittier today to become a member or sign up for our Silver Strength & Stamina classes!